Planet of Trees

Planet of Trees

Planet of Trees

NxtGen Conservationist Allie holding a black oak seedling

Project Overview
My project, funded by the Conservation Nation NxtGen Conservationist student grant, had two goals: educate others on the beneficial impact of trees on the planet and plant trees in my community. I presented at two local synagogues and two local elementary schools to educate others about the environment and how trees can benefit it. In these presentations, I talked to many different age ranges, mainly young students, about global warming, the effects of runoff and invasive species, and that by planting native trees, we can reduce all of these issues. I later returned to one of the synagogues and both elementary schools, where I completed the second part of my project: planting the black oak tree seedlings, a tree that is native to my region. With the help of the students, I planted seven trees on the schools’ grounds and sent many of the students home with their own seedlings to plant at home. I am currently in the final stage of my project: hanging up flyers to continue spreading awareness.

Overall, the whole project has been a pretty big success! I reached out to local schools, synagogues, and churches and was extremely well received. The students, teachers, and clergy were happy to have me present and work with them to plant and give away the seedlings. In the end, I gave away or planted 100 native oak tree seedlings.

Although the project did go well overall, there were a few challenges along the way, namely, unexpected costs. As I continued researching and learning about trees, I realized I had not completely factored in a major consideration in protecting a planted tree in this area: deer. Young deer love to rub their antlers against the young trees, which can break and kill them. Other animals may also eat from the trees before they are stable enough to support them. Tree tubes are placed around the seedlings or saplings to protect trees in these early, vulnerable stages. These were very necessary to get, yet very costly to do so. The tree tubes and oak seedlings alone depleted my entire budget, which resulted in me downsizing other plans, such as mass-producing informational flyers.

What I Learned
Through this project, I have developed and continue to increase my knowledge about the environment and how we interact with it. I developed my teaching skills and my ability to work with others. And a major thing I learned from doing this project is that there are so many opportunities out there, and by taking them, it is possible to make a difference.

The Future of Planet of Trees
I educated many young people (and adults) about environmental challenges and the benefits of planting trees. I aimed to inspire others to take action to help the environment. One hundred black oak tree seedlings were planted, hopefully leading to 100 fully grown black oak trees. These trees help support many animals and plants and are an important part of ecosystems. So, when these trees are fully grown, they will greatly benefit the environment in the future. As for the project Planet of Trees, the future is uncertain. I hope to continue making a difference to the environment, but if it is through this project or other means, it is something to be seen next year.

Allie is a high school NxtGen Conservationist who won a $500 microgrant from Conservation Nation to solve a conservation challenge in her community. Planet of Trees was a community education and tree planting program. 

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