Dr. Dawn Zimmerman

Dr. Dawn Zimmerman with gorilla named Baraka
Dr. Dawn Zimmerman is one of Conservation Nation’s 2022 Established Conservationist grantees. She is the Director of International Programs for the Veterinary Initiative for Endangered Wildlife, assistant professor adjunct of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, affiliate faculty at the University of Nairobi, and a Research Associate with the Smithsonian Institution. Dr. Zimmerman has worked in conservation medicine for almost 20 years, focusing on East Africa. She was the global lead for the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT program in Kenya, working to detect pathogens of pandemic potential by investigating the animals most likely to harbor them. Her primary research interests include applying a One Health approach to conserving critically endangered wildlife species and the mitigation of emerging infectious diseases at the wildlife-human interface.
Project Overview

Community-based Conservation of the Percival's Guereza and De Brazza's Monkey

Namunyak Conservancy, Kenya
As part of an ongoing conservation project for Percival’s guereza and De Brazza’s monkey, Dr. Zimmerman will work to inspire local school children of the Nkare-Narok community towards careers in wildlife conservation through education, engagement, collaboration, mentorship, and, most important – opportunities. She plans to create a primary school wildlife club where youth will assist in data collection and monitoring of the endangered Percival’s guereza and the De Brazza’s monkey and support secondary school education for two aspiring female conservationists. This project will focus heavily on community involvement in conservation efforts for Percival’s guereza and De Brazza’s monkey and elevate community roles from community engagement to community collaboration for sustainable conservation.
Project Updates

In 2022, Conservation Nation funded Dr. Dawn Zimmerman’s project with the Veterinary Initiative for Endangered Wildlife (VIEW) and the Institute of Primate Research (IPR) to establish wildlife health

On October 20, 2022, Wildlife Conservation Warrior Club members from the Oromoidei and Noolotoro Primary Schools participated in an exciting Conservation Nation-sponsored field trip.

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