Conservation Nation Elephant Logo

Who We Are

What does a scientist look like to you?

When asked to draw a scientist, only 25 percent of 16-year-old girls draw a woman.

Conservation has an inclusion problem. The current structure of the profession makes it harder for people of color, Indigenous peoples, and women to get involved.

But we need diversity and inclusion to drive innovation. The earth is experiencing a biodiversity crisis, and we need to change now to save it.

Our work brings more people to the table, nurtures the diversity of the field, and drives novel thinking. The survival of thousands of species — including our own — hangs in the balance.

Our Vision

A thriving planet for people and wildlife sustained by an inclusive and growing network of conservationists.

Our Mission

To diversify the conservation movement by funding and supporting conservationists from underrepresented communities while educating and inspiring the next generation of leaders.
When a student, Ashley, was asked to draw a scientist at the end of a Conservation Nation education program, she drew herself – right down to her sneakers. 

Our Why

More inclusion and diversity

More innovation and more solutions

Greater likelihood of solving biodiversity challenges

Safer and healthier planet

Our Approach

We are uniquely positioned to support conservationists from underrepresented communities by working with them throughout their development — from excited youth to experienced professionals. Our promotion of equity and inclusion in the conservation space will lead to a safer and healthier planet for all.

Our Programs

illustration of a book

Conservation Nation Academy

illustration of a backpack

Teen Leaders in Conservation

illustration of a school bus

Field Trips

illustration of a graduation cap and dollar sign

The Chrysalis Fund

illustration of a navigational compass

The Collective

illustration of a hand with a leaf in it


illustration of people

Grant Programs

illustration of two hands embraced

Help current conservationists from underrepresented groups thrive, lead, and stay in the field through funding, convening, mentoring, and professional development.

illustration of people
illustration of a hand with a leaf in it
illustration of a navigational compass
illustration of trees and hills
Provide Access
to Nature

Give more children equitable access to experiences in nature to light a lifelong spark.

illustration of a book
illustration of a school bus
illustration of a navigational compass
illustration of three people with arms raised
Lift Barriers
To Entry

Lift the 'free' internship barrier, create connections and mentors that were previously out of reach, fund scholarships to budding conservationists.

illustration of a graduation cap and dollar sign
illustration of a hand with a leaf in it
illustration of four people icons in a circle
Fuel Inspiration
And Confidence

Use relatable role models to inspire youth from underrepresented groups to see themselves as wildlife champions.

illustration of a book
illustration of a backpack
illustration of a navigational compass

Here's how we do it


We gather the funding for grants, fellowships, professional development, paid internships and scholarships for wildlife-saving work.


We provide that funding to current and future conservationists from underrepresented communities.


We work with those conservationists to educate and inspire youth so that they can see themselves as conservation champions who might one day pursue STEM careers and jobs in the field.


We build a more diverse community of wildlife champions that helps save the planet’s delicate biodiversity.

How We're Making an Impact


Our History

Conservation Nation launched with a mission to diversify the conservation movement by funding and supporting underrepresented communities and inspiring the next generation of conservation leaders.

Our passionate team brings more than six decades of nonprofit management, wildlife conservation support, and environmental education programming experience.

Learn more about where we came from and the journey that brought us here.