2024 Grant Program Application Information

2024 Grant Program Application Information

a large brown bird of prey soaring with mountains in the background

The Conservation Nation Grant Program provides funding to help save endangered animals and their ecosystems by building a stronger, more diverse community of conservation practitioners. We believe there is great conservation progress to be made by broadening the field of committed individuals working to address the global wildlife conservation challenge.

Conservation Nation supports innovative, on-the-ground conservation around the world by practitioners from underrepresented communities. Our focus is on helping foster conservation solutions that serve the needs of both nature and people in terrestrial, marine, or freshwater ecosystems that support a wide range of biodiversity.

The 2024 Conservation Nation Grant Program aims to financially support conservationists engaged in wildlife conservation, biodiversity protection, and sustainable practices. This grant will assist early to mid-career conservationists in their efforts by granting up to US$2,500 each, which will fund activities that are essential for their life-saving work but may not be covered by standard grant programs.

In addition to providing funding, we support our grantees through the Conservation Nation Network where we provide ongoing professional development, resources, connections, and capacity-building opportunities to ensure their growth and success. 

By providing unique financial assistance and an active support network, we will enable conservationists to feel supported as they do their important work contributing to a thriving planet for people and wildlife.

The application portal will close at 3pm EST on Monday June 24th.

Applications must be submitted through the grant portal. Applications submitted via email will not be considered.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected].

Application Information

Who Can Apply
  • Early to mid-career conservationists (up to 10 years).
  • Conservationists from underrepresented communities.
  • Individual conservationists actively working on wildlife conservation projects.
  • Full-time conservation professionals working at an NGO conservation organization.
  • Graduate students and above who are engaged in conservation studies. (Students must provide their program director’s name and email address.)
  • We encourage wildlife conservationists working in (but not limited to) the following biodiversity hotspots to apply:
    • California Floristic Province
    • North American Coastal Plain
    • Mountains of Central Asia
    • Guinean Forests of West Africa
    • Atlantic Forest
    • Southwestern Australia
  • This grant is targeted toward individuals. The application must be filled out and submitted by the grant applicant.
Grant Timeline
  • Applications must be submitted through the grant portal which will open June 17, 2024.
  • The grant portal will close at 3pm. EST on June 24, 2024.
  • Successful applicants will be notified in mid-August 2024.
  • The formal public announcement of grantees will be made in late August and funds will be disbursed shortly thereafter.
  • You must be able to administer your grant between September 2024 and September 2025.
Funding Criteria
  • Conservationists are eligible for funding up to US$2,500 for a grant period of one year.
  • The applicant must demonstrate that the funds will be used for or to support activities or research that will contribute to wildlife conservation.
  • In consideration of our mission, our preference is to fund individuals. The applicant must have a working bank account that can receive electronic funds in USD.
  • Only one application per person.
Grant Will Fund
Funding can be used to support the conservationist in one or more of the following:
  • Equipment and/or supplies.
  • Travel for research or conservation efforts. Funds may cover incidentals, meals, and expenses.
  • Outreach materials.
  • Publishing of a paper.
  • Conference attendance and incidentals.
  • Professional development.
  • Research activities.
  • Stipends or honoraria for guest speakers or lecturers.
  • Dependent care assistance for a minor (child) or adult dependent for whom you are responsible.
  • A unique need (please provide an explanation).
Grant Will Not Fund
  • Unsupported activities, or activities that are strictly of personal interest. 
  • Working or collaborative teams that focus on topics not related to conservation.   
  • Cash donations to conservation organizations or third parties.  
  • Lobbying activities or supporting attempts to influence legislation.  

Grant Requirements

Grantees Must Agree To


  • Attend at least one Coffee and Chat with the Conservation Nation Network.

We place a strong emphasis on ensuring that grant recipients share their work and knowledge and become mentors to the next generation of conservationists. We welcome you to connect with the Conservation Nation Education Team.


  • Recipients of the grant will be required to engage with Conservation Nation by selecting one or more of the following opportunities:
  • Completion of a short survey upon receipt of the grant and at the end of the grant period.
  • Engage with the Conservation Nation Education programs.
  • Provide social media updates on how their funds were used.
  • Completion of a short survey upon receipt of the grant.
  • Once an approved grant is completed, each recipient is required to provide a report on how the funds were spent and the impact it had. We will share this with our supporters across our communication channels, i.e., website, social media, emails, and donation platform. We welcome you to upload photos, posters, reports, etc.
  • A complete financial accounting of grant funds awarded, including a copy of all receipts. Grant funds should be spent down within the contract year. If needed, a 3-month extension would be considered upon request.

Grantees are encouraged to share how this funding will help them on their conservation career journey by providing updates that can be used for social media or blog posts.

Image Usage/Recognition:

  • Media Release: Any images that you provide to Conservation Nation may be used as part of marketing campaigns, donor outreach, social media posts, and/or posted to the Conservation Nation website. Please note that any photos with participants or partners will also need media releases.
  • Provide recognition of Conservation Nation and their support whenever possible on social media channels.
  • Public recognition of the Conservation Nation grant when and where applicable, including publications (print or digital), presentations, interviews, conference posters, and public signage.
Additional Notes
  • The grant selection committee may contact the grant applicant with follow-up questions, as necessary.  
  • Conservation Nation may contact recipients for additional information, an interview, or photographs to use as part of marketing campaigns and donor outreach.   
  • Conservation Nation Education staff members are available to grant recipients throughout the grant cycle to help develop ideas for education outreach commitments.   
  • Proposed changes to the allocation of grant funds must be submitted and approved by Conservation Nation in advance.  
  • Conservation Nation reserves the right to decline funding grants in any given year. 

Funding Questions

Please be prepared to answer the following:

  • Briefly explain the purpose for which the funding will be used (up to 100 words).
  • What would be the impact of receiving this funding? (200-300 words).
  • Please provide a short bio (maximum 300 words).

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More about the Grant Program

We offer funding to help save animals and their ecosystems around the world by building a stronger, more diverse wildlife conservation community.